Starting Skincare

Starting Skincare
This blog post was written by Irene Morales


In our quest for personal growth, we often focus on various aspects of our lives. We dedicate time and effort to taking care of our physical health, nurturing our relationships, expanding our knowledge, and honing our skills to become better versions of ourselves. We read books, attend workshops, and practice public speaking to enhance our communication abilities. However, amid all these pursuits, many people overlook a fundamental aspect of self-care - taking care of our skin.

This post contains...

  1. 🧴 Why everyone should have a skincare routine
  2. πŸ‹οΈ Why it's hard to start a routine
  3. 🍳 What does a simple skincare routine consist of
  4. πŸ—’ Practical ways to actually start
  5. 🌱 Final thoughts

Why everyone should have a skincare routine

A skincare routine is not reserved for the beauty-obsessed or those seeking flawless skin; it is an essential practice for everyone. Our skin, being the largest organ of our body, deserves thoughtful attention and care.

It is an incredible organ that reflects not only our external appearance but also the state of our internal well-being. Just as we strive to maintain a healthy body and an active mind, tending to our skin is equally important for our overall self-improvement journey. A skincare routine, far from being a superficial concern, becomes a profound reflection of how we value and care for ourselves. Our faces, being the most visible part of ourselves, are a medium of communication and expression. They allow us to convey emotions, build connections, and navigate the world with confidence.

Moreover, skincare is a metaphor for how we approach self-care and self-respect. It reminds us to pay attention to the finer details and to listen to our bodies. A skincare routine teaches us patience, consistency, and the importance of small, gradual changes that yield remarkable results over time.

spirulina smothie

What does a skincare routine consist of (the basics)

A skincare routine is a series of daily and/or weekly practices designed to maintain the health, appearance, and overall well-being of your skin. It involves a combination of cleansing, moisturizing, treating specific concerns, and protecting the skin from environmental damage.

Cleansing: Cleansing is the foundation of any skincare routine. Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, impurities, and makeup from your skin. Cleanse your face morning and night.

Actives: For targeted skincare, incorporate treatment products (serums, exfoliants...) like retinoids, vitamin C, or niacinamide, depending on your needs.

Moisturize: Moisturizing is crucial for all skin types. It helps lock in hydration, protect your skin's natural barrier, and keep it soft and supple.

Sunscreen: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every morning to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and premature aging, try reapplying every 2h once you get the hang of it.

Why it's hard to start a routine

Starting a skincare routine can indeed be challenging for various reasons, and navigating through these obstacles can deter many from taking the first step. Let's explore these difficulties in more detail:

Overwhelm of Options: The beauty industry offers a vast array of skincare products, each claiming to be the ultimate solution for flawless skin. From cleansers and toners to serums and masks, the options can be overwhelming. As a result, choosing the right products tailored to individual skin needs, becomes a daunting task.

Lengthy and Complex Routines: Some skincare routines, especially those promoted by influencers or celebrities, can be elaborate, involving multiple steps and a multitude of products. This complexity may discourage beginners who are not ready for such a time-consuming commitment or who are unsure about the necessity of all the steps.

Misinformation and Lack of Knowledge: The internet is flooded with skincare advice, tips, and product recommendations. Unfortunately, not all sources are reliable, and misinformation can spread rapidly. It's easy for individuals to get confused and make inappropriate choices for their specific skin concerns.

One Size Does Not Fit All: Skincare needs vary greatly from person to person due to factors such as skin type, age, environment, and specific concerns. What works wonders for one individual might be ineffective or even harmful to another. Finding the right products and routine tailored to one's unique skin needs requires trial and error, which can be discouraging.

Step up

How to get actually started

Know Your Skin: Begin by understanding your skin type and its unique needs. Knowing whether you have oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin will help you select the right products tailored to your specific concerns.

Get the basics: As a beginner, the less products the better. Start by getting a simple, inexpensive cleanser, a moisturiser that suits your skin type and an SPF you know you'll wear. Before getting into actives start with a simple routine, let your skin adapt to using products and focus on creating the habit and being consistent.

Use products you like: I would recommend you buy the smallest versions of the products you're starting with. Make sure you like the texture and the way it sits on your face. If you feel that your sunscreen is sticky and dread applying it, it's very likely that you won't do it often.

Give it time: Skincare doesn't magically give you perfect skin overnight, it's important to see it as a longterm everyday investment. It's like going to the gym, you put in the work everyday but results don't come instantly and that's okay. It's important to give your products time to work.

Be consistent: Do it every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to sleep, add it to your morning and night routines and just enjoy the process.

Remember this is only the start, once you've done this for a few months you can slowly start adding actives for your needs, eventually implementing some form of retinoid into your nigh-time skincare routine would be a great way of leveling up.
Let's Get Things Started in 2021!

Final thoughts

In conclusion, a skincare routine is not just about aesthetics; it is an essential act of self-care that reflects how we value our overall well-being. Despite the challenges of starting, remember that simplicity is key. Start with the basics, be patient, and stay consistent. As you learn and adapt, your skincare journey will lead to healthier, radiant skin and a renewed sense of self-care. So, embrace this adventure, nurture your skin, and ultimately, nurture yourself.