
Hi there!

We are the team behind Casual Depth

On this blog, we share our most valuable ideas and learnings along our journeys of building the foundations of our lives.

Mission Statement

All of the content we produce for Casual Depth is based on what we call foundational thinking. This refers to an approach to life where the focus lies on building a foundation for life.

This foundation consists of mental models, frameworks, techniques and coping methods, strategies, tools and understandings.

The goal is to build a solid base off of which life can be operated effectively and successfully to both be able to reach our individual potential but also to find a level of peace and stability in this ever fast moving and complex world.

Our Team

Our Journey

  • 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Spring 2019 - Little Irene and little Arne meet at a boarding school in England and become friends.
  • 👨🏼‍💻 Summer 2021 - Little Arne is relentless to secure his own corner on the internet , so he learns a bit of HTML and CSS, gets coding, gives up soon after, then switches to Ghost to launch his first ever website.
  • 😫 Autumn 2021 - After struggling hard to publish ten consecutive posts, little Arne takes a break from writing but with the determination to get back into it with a better strategy.
  • 💡 Summer 2022 - For accountability, Arne has the idea to bring another person on board and reaches out to Irene.
  • 🤩 Summer 2022 - Irene accepts to join the blog and fuels the whole project with new livelyhood.
  • 🏖️ Summer 2022 - All grown up Irene and Arne meet in person to discuss the details of the collaboration, develop a three-phase strategy and change the name of the blog to Casual Depth.
  • ✍️ Summer 2022 - The beginning of an unbroken streak of writing and publishing is marked with its first post.
  • 🌐 Winter 2022 - While continuing to publish relentlessly and with the goal to turn the world upside down overnight, Casual Depth makes its first impressions on social media.
  • ❓What will come next on this journey of mystery, tension and excitement?! Oh you shall wonder!

Want to join our fun little project?

We are more than open to welcome new members to our thinking and writing cohorts. Leave us a message or contact us over social media.